Company Overview

How Things Unfold


   It all started in a cabling company in the name of MK Dreza Cabling Services (MKDCS) which was founded by KVD. The MKDCS tribe really showed perseverance and driven not to settle in retouching the chipped walls, rectifying ceiling manholes and bringing back dismantled carpet or tiles. The times at MKDCS believed that integration of IT infrastructures will be a good innovation to construction and an addition to the services for the people who hand their trust to the Tribe.


   MBP joins the MK Tribe and started working in MKDCS. Having a weapon of strong heart and mind she headed the Operations Department. Together with the tribe, they are building a new community of comradery.


   The day has come and SUKAT ATBP Konstruction Inc. (SAKI) was established. The overwhelming response by the clients and the ultimate goal that is waiting to be achieved is starting to unfold. Sukat ATBP Konstruction inc is a tagalog named construction company that caters all nature of development from architectural, civil, industrial, mechanical, electrical and sanitary works.
   SAKI embodied a slogan “Built Differently” to impart to our valued clients that we are honest to the works that will be entrusted to the SAKI Tribe.


To encourage others to stand for a better cause, better self,
better community and better world.


To create a good legacy that will be passed down from
generations and soon be written in history books.


Not to be limited as a builder, we can a be an author, protector,
influencer and most especially great example.

We Make it Happen


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

–Colossians 3:23


“A well lived life is like driving a car, you have to make minor adjustment along the way.”


“Every nurse was drawn to nursing because of a desire to care, to serve or to help”

–Christina Feist-Heilmeier


“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”


“Let goodness be seen not just in the art but also with the heart.”

–Ar. Pascasio